eBook now Available!
Exclusive - THE book on Traditional & Classic
Siamese cats

Written by the Founder of TCA, Inc.
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Why buy a
Traditional Cat? |
The "Many" reasons why ...
...people prefer Traditional Cats !
Once you own a Traditional Cat there is no going back. It
is a life long love. Our members have provided testimonials. Please
enjoy your journey into the world of the Traditional Cats.
- My current seal point Siamese is a certified therapy cat. As a
social worker, I can attest the therapeutic qualities of Siamese
cats. As you know their people-pleasing qualities make Siamese
wonderful animals to work with people with special needs.
- I knew that someday I wanted a purebred Siamese cat after owning a half
Siamese cat who was my special pal. "Zane" was the runt of
the litter, the product of a Siamese cat who had an "affair" with
a non-Siamese cat. He was a grey tabby, so I called him "Zane
Grey" or "Zany" for short. When I brought him home, he
hid under the couch and cried for 2 or 3 days. Eventually he got over
his shyness and was the life of the
household; speaking to anyone about anything, jumping immediately into any
lap that came available (and on to my shoulder as well), and snuggling under
the covers in bed at night. You could literally hear him purring from
several rooms away. He had the ability to charm everyone, even the so-called
"cat haters". I knew that someday I would have a full bred
Siamese. The traditional Siamese I have now, Mao Ping,
reminds me so much of Zany and I know I made the right choice. The
"wedgeheads" are not as attractive and from the research I did
before I adopted Mao, I know they are not as healthy or robust.
Regards, ML Starkey. (9/23/00)
- "Shortly after we were
married 45 years ago, my husband brought home, as a surprise, a lovely
Siamese. I called him Sans Souce or "Souci" for short. He was
followed by Gigi, Crystal, Chauncey, and ten years ago we went to Newville,
PA. To see Jude Heberlig and my present lovely Misty is my
- "I bought my Traditional Cat
because she looks like my last cat." "I love Traditional Siamese
because they connect me with my childhood, when I had my first one. And they
connect me, also, with my deceased parents, who understood my love for the
"Apple Head" Siamese."
- Health and longevity certainly
are a good reason as presented by this member, "I have owned
Traditional Siamese cats, one or two males at a time, since I received one
as a gift in 1957. I now own two, who are cousins and are 8 plus years old.
In 1983 I was given a Wedge one, who had chronic sinusitis, eventually
developed a malignant brain tumor and I had to have him euthanized before he
was 8 years old. I vowed then I would only have Traditionals."
- "I own Traditional Siamese for
the beauty and character of the animal. My husband and I don't like to see
any animal taken to the extreme."
- "I believe the Traditional Cats
are the most beautiful of the Siamese types and I want to be a part of
saving these lovely creatures so they can be enjoyed in future generations.
My first Siamese was a Traditional 27 years ago and today it is rare to find
cats like him, who were so plentiful in the early 1970's."
- "I have 2 Tonkinese cats,
but I have been a long-time admirer of the Traditional and Classic Siamese.
Someday I hope to adopt 1, 2 or more Siamese cats! Don't you think that
"adopt" sounds nicer than "purchase?"
- " We find their most endearing
qualities are their unique personality, finding an outstanding breeder who
knows Traditional Siamese, loves Traditional Siamese and wants to see the
breed continue, and, of course their great temperament."
- "I saw the piece about
you (Diana Fineran) in CATS, was delighted to learn the old breeds still
lived, and joined TCA, Inc., entered the show and was "hooked"
- "My husband and I have
had Siamese, among others, for about 30 years! It all started with Disney's
"That Darn Cat" and then Lillian Jackson Brown's The Cat
Who--books. I like their high intelligence, playfulness and then those blue
eyes. Our current female gets along nicely with the male from the Humane
Shelter...a beautiful Tabby with big auburn eyes."
- "We have Traditional Siamese
because they are so wonderful! Our present cat, "Bauregard"
(a male, Seal Point) is now over 7 years old, a sturdy, healthy, 14 1/2
pound, bundle of constant joy. I should add he is "Applecat Acres
Beauregard", one of Judith Heberlig's wonderful cats."
- "Because they are the
"Heart of my Heart"."
- "I have Seal Point Siamese
because the modern style looks gruesome.'
- "Because we did not like the
appearance of the "wedge head" Siamese."
- "Because I remember and still
love my "old fashioned" Siamese from my childhood."
- "Before I had Callie Jean, I
had a Seal-Point Siamese cat that I received in December, 1984. My cat
that I had for ten years had died in November. At that time, I wasn't
ready for a cat, but this was an abused cat, and the babysitter for the
people that had the cat called me and asked me to please take the cat; it
needed a home. I did, and I had it until 1996, when it died of thyroid
problems. I was very lonesome because I found Siamese cats are very
much people lovers. And so, one day I looked in Cat Fancy; found Jude
Heberlig's name, and called her on the exact day that my cat was born.
She told me that she kept the kittens for 14 weeks. I went to see my
kitten in October. It was born 8/24/96. I then made arrangements to
pick it up i December, as we were going to be in Virginia for
Thanksgiving; I would then stop at Jude's and pick up my cat and she
even got me a carrier for the kitten. Well, at the time, I didn't know
about Traditional Siamese Cats. Now I wouldn't have any other kind. I
love all cats, but this Traditional Siamese is just like my little
gal. I wouldn't take anything in the world for her. She has been
a JOY to have and own. She gets along with everyone and is a loving,
gentle, strong and VERY SMART cat. We love her very much, my husband
and I. And Jude is a great gal and very good with breeding these
wonderful cats. I'm so very glad I called her. I've been at her
home numerous times and it is always fun to go there. The best
investment I ever made was buying my Traditional Lady. AND THAT IS MY STORY
- "I have a Traditional Siamese
because they are the "heart of my heart"."
- "I have a Classic Siamese and I
love him very much! I've had both Traditional Siamese and Classic
Siamese all of my life and love them both."
- "Regarding my two lovely
Siamese cats, I was so proud of them, when they won "some"
categories of our last contest. But I was also proud of Jude Heberlig
and her cattery. I met her through CATS magazine. Her ad was in
the back. I had lost my 15 year old male, Seal Point, Traditional
Siamese. I didn't realize he was an "apple head" until I
looked for a new "Ivan". Ivan was so smart and so
loving. I was so sad, when I lost him. When I went to Newville,
PA to see Apple Cat Acres, I was met with kindness from Jude and one
beautiful Traditional Siamese cat after another. There were 4 kittens
running about the place and I could have taken any or all of the kittens and
cats home with me. It did not take long to know that Jude is not only
kind and generous and thoughtful, but she takes her job as a breeder
seriously. She is well-read on all aspects of breeding, including
health and genetics, and she possesses high moral character and
integrity. I got a male kitten, Tochi, from Jude and a female kitten,
Pegeen, from Jude's male and female. They are so wonderful.
Toshi plays fetch every day and talks to me all the time. Pegeen is very
mellow and lets me know when she wants something. Her trade mark is
her tail, which is always curled! Well almost always!"
- "I have been a breeder of
Traditional Siamese since 1961. The last time I purchased one was in
the fall of 1980, when I needed to bring in some new lines. Since the,
I have bred my own cats. using outcrosses where appropriate. As of 3
years ago, all of my queens reached an age where they could not be bred, and
since I was just beginning a major renovation of my house, it seemed an
opportune time to let things stand as they were till the project was
completed. The house is now finished, so I plan to buy a new female
Traditional Siamese this spring, preferably a Lynx Point Since I am a
charter members of TCA, Inc., I look forward to finding my new lady among my
fellow members. It has been a long lonely time without any babies in
the house, and I can hardly wait. If you have a new lady for me and
are within 5 to 6 hours driving time from Detroit, do let me know. She will
be VERY papered".
- "In the "80's" a
Traditional cat appeared outside as a stray. Eventually, after much
coaching he grew to trust me and became my pet. He then developed
leukemia and i had to have him put to sleep. I missed him very
much. My 4 children bought me another, Traditional kitten for
Christmas in 1997 from Judith Heberlig at Applecat Acres.
"Smokey" was born on 10/9/97 and we got him at Judith's house on
1/17/98. What a wonderful Christmas present and Smokey is
- "We had many cats during our 41
years together, but someone gave us a Traditional Siamese cat mixed with
domestic shorthair. What a cat! He was the first one ever to
talk to me, follow me around the house, answer the door, greet me when I
came home from work, and scold guests because they wouldn't feed him.
After he was gone, I decided to get a Traditional Siamese female (purebred)
and raise these wonderful cats. Just because you gotta have
- I love the Traditional Siamese and
the Traditional Balanese - lots of company. They are talkers and they
are beautiful! They are great pets and they are my best friends.
- I do like the look, but what
captured my heart and soul was the character of the cat!
These are wonderful testimonials! We are still open
for more, so don't hesitate to send yours. |