TCa, Inc. LogoThe Traditional Cat Association, Inc.©1987®TM Official Website
Founded 1987, by Diana L. Fineran

  " Home of the Traditional Cat"©

Our Motto: To Preserve, Protect, Perpetuate, 
and  Promote  Traditional  Cats.




Breed Info

Classified Ads

Cattery Inspection

Cattery Registration

Registry Info
TCA Shows

TCA Membership

Club Info







Cat Capers


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eBook now Available!

Exclusive - THE book on Traditional & Classic Siamese cats

Written by the Founder of TCA, Inc.

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 Club Information

  Constitution & By-laws 

  What members say

  Cattery Inspection Program

  Cat Registry 

  History of TCA, Inc.

  Other TCA,Inc. Projects

What our members Say

  • "Thanks for letting us to be part of this wonderful association". Chantel
  • "I wanted to thank you for all your help and for listing me on the TCA, INC. website in the Breeder Directory.  I have had several emails and phone callse about the kittens.  I have more people on my waiting list that I ever imagined I would and I most likely won't need to advertise locally to sell these kittens." Lora 
  • "I am sure that at least 75% of my kitten sales come from the search engines TCA, INC. is listed on.  Right now I have orders piled up until next summer.  I am so proud of TCA."  Shirley.
  • "I have referred you several times because I like the site sooo much." Jean
  • "Your site really does have great graphics, especially love your whole site.  Your, Traditional Cat pages are awesome." Gary
  • "I thank you so much for doing this site.  I now have what I realize is a Traditional kitten, when I thought that meant what I now know is a Classic!!  I just didn't want one of these new weirdos.  I am so sorry to see this type of distortion!  I have known Siamese ever since the mid 50's, when my cousin was breeding them.  They were so incredibly wonderful, and she GAVE us one to take home. We never recovered from that terrific introduction.  I love these old timers so much!  Why on earth would the CFA go for these distorted sad beasts and call them Siamese????" Gretchen.  
  • "A note to tell you how much I enjoyed this months newsletter (Nov/Dec. 2003).  


  Membership Form Yearly membership is available for a $15 fee. Youth memberships are available for $10. 
Our Objectives 
  1. To preserve healthy bloodlines.
  2. To bring back and maintain the "Old Style" look of the Original type of each breed.
  3. To give support to and preserve those types of cats currently not recognized as "Show" cats by any other cat associations.
  4. To maintain the highest levels of Ethics and Integrity within the Cat Fancy
Member Benefits 
  1. Support for enthusiasts of Traditional and Classic Cats and the Household Pets.
  2. Access to our Kitten Referral Services.
  3. A FREE bi-monthly Newsletter with Membership.
  4. Support between International Affiliates.
  5. An open minded approach to acceptance to breeds not already accepted by TCA, Inc.
  6. Supporters of breeds not already accepted by TCA, Inc. are most welcome to present a request for acceptance. 
  7. Breed Standards are NEVER changed once accepted to preserve them for future generations to enjoy
  8. Events held just for fun!
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Constitution & By-laws Introduction and Table of Contents

The TCA, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws is a document of over 100 pages, which includes all of our rules and regulations for membership, Registration of cats and kittens, showing and governing principles. Diana Fineran created this publication, which took four and one half months. All amendments have been written by her as well and passed into effect by the full membership through a vote. Diana Fineran holds Federal Copyright to the TCA, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws , which are recorded with the U.S. Copyright office in Washington, D.C. 

To order the TCA, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws please send $25.00 to: 

Checks can be made out to TCA, Inc. 
The Traditional Cat Association, Inc. 
PO Box 178
Heisson, WA 98622-0178 

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Cattery Inspection Program - Review the description and apply for the program it's that simple! (PDF version of Cattery Inspection Program instructions)

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Traditional Cat Association, Inc. Registry 

Registration is designed to establish the lineage of cats, and to be a positive learning experience. We strive to work with breeders to meet their needs, and to aid in maintaining excellent records. 

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Last Updated: 07/19/24

The Traditional Cat Association, Inc.
© by John & Diana Fineran - Aug 1999- 2024.  
No portion of this website or any information contained within it may be copied, or in any way distributed,
without the expressed written permission of John or Diana Fineran - No exceptions.